Sunday, October 6, 2013

Honeyed Moneyz

Man, Honey Pig, u just b BBQing away all mah moneyz. Honey Pig so expensive doe, liek u don't even know. It's 15-25 dollars per serving of meat. PER SERVING, FOR 1 PERSON... JUST THE MEAT. Man, that's even more expensive than the expensive place on campus (Adele's). The BBQ isn't bad though, I just don't find it to be worth the money given the quality of the food. It isn't bad, but it isn't amazing or anything. Honestly, these places (unless you can get unlimited BBQ meat or Shabu-Shabu for liek 25 dollars a person) aren't worth the moneyz. dey just b honeying up mah moneyz and feeding it to the pigz mayne... liek, dey don't even know mayne... the pigz don't even know how much dat money b worth mayne... liek i don't even know mayne... liek i don't even know wut im sayin mayne... So yeah, the quality of the food is pretty good, but definitely not worth the moneyz. I'd recommend going to liek an Iron Age or something for dat unrimited BBQ works instead of coming here (even though Iron Age's food's quality is a bit worse).

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Honey Pig

Deze honeyed pigs maybe. New Korean BBQ place near where I live just opened. I'm there with my family nao. Man. Its... its... its SOOOOOOOOOOO KOREAN!!! Like u don't even know maybe. Its got k-pop bids playing up near the ceiling and shit maybe. Posters of the chefs with their hands crossed, delicious BBQ, and chibi manager faess saying "open 24 hours maybe" Korean BBQ maybe... Korean BBQ. I'm pretty much obligated to eat this nao since sktt1 won the LoL worlds. Man I wonder if they sell tickets to the Korean hype train here. Lol that would be amusing.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Following Weird Friend

So yeah. I have this weird friend and I'm following him right now so he can swipe me in to Oakland, the nicest dorm on campus. So he's being weird rite nao... so yeah. I will now put in his quotes. "Dude I'm telling you. I want it" "monkeyism is the only true religion" "she is like the virgin mary of monkeyism... (its virgin mary right?" "Dude its tail is 6-9 inches long. Its tail is longer than its body." "Who wouldn't get one if it was legal" "I've seen this one in the wild before... it crawled up and down the steps." So yeah. Studying the weird friend in its natural habitat. CRIKEY!!! He's spotted me. Make sure to tune in next time for next weeks episode. Featuring: The Creepy Friend!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Physics Studying

So yeah, I'm studying physics now... or rather I'm trying to study right now. but physics is so boring...... NO
PHYSICS IS PHUN!!! PHYSICS.... IS.... PHUN!!!!!!!!!!

PHYSICS IS PHUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!