Sunday, March 31, 2013

it's time to b-b-b-b-b-b-b-blog

Hey guys,
Aimless guy here. So, my friends have to do homework today and I'm here done with homework and left wanting (my bio friend definately is left wanting to touch the poop). So... what's a guy to do? My other friends that are also done with homework are already in games of League of Legends, So I can't hang out with them for about 30 min or so. That is why I am here today. I'm trying to think about stuff to talk about, but I just can't think of anything. Oh yeah, today at the diner, I saw this person put soy sauce on their waffles while under the impression that the soy sauce was actually syrup. It was rather amusing. Speaking of soy sauce, did you know that there's a soy sauce superhero? He is the one they call Kikoman:
And speaking of waffles, I have a friend who has a bunny named waffles... speaking of bunnies... IT'S EASTER, YEAH!!! But be careful kids, the bunny-man is out to get you!

Man, mentioning all these stupid superheroes (Even though bunny-man isn't a super hero (shhhhhh, just pretend he is... gosh, people these days...)) reminds me of the... MILK-MAN!!!

Don't for get to put soy sauce in your milk, or Kikoman will Kiko-punch you!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturdays on Campus

It's noon right now, which mean's everyone's sleeping. Damnit, this means I'll be bored for another 2 hours at least. Why am I not asleep? Because... SCIENCE!!! I have a friend who's a bio major studying right next to me. He likes to read out what he's studying and speak to himself out loud (actually I can't tell if he's talking to himself or me sometimes). It's ok tho, that's the best way to study (trust him, he's a Bio Major). I walked around campus with him earlier because we were bored and talked about random ass shit. like good spots to study.

Him: That spot would be a great place to study, it's got lots of flowers and trees
Me: That mean's lots of bugs
Him: That's how I roll, I like to get down and dirty
Me: ok
Him: I like to touch the poop
Me: ok
Me: ...
Me: wait... what?
Him: It's okay, I'm a Bio Major
Me: oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggght

*silence ensues

And so we decided to go, settle down, and study. I should probably study... but I don't feel like it... ermahgerd... decisions, decisions... studying is for noobs, time to do other shit.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dunno What to do

I'm pretty bored. It's friday and everyone's gone for the weekend (they went back home... T.T). So now I'm sitting here feeling aimless. Maybe I should stand and be aimless. YEAH I SHOULD STAND FOR MY RIGHTS!!! no... I'f I just stood up right now, everyone in this room would look at me weird. I'd be that guy... dat 1 guy... u know... dat guy....
I'm sure you know what I mean. If you don't, well then... ima walk away now... real slow... *sidesteps out

Thursday, March 28, 2013


ERMAHGERD I HAZ A FOLLOWER (he's totally not this guy I asked to follow me on this blog... no, not at all, that'd b for noobs... why would I ever do that...)

So yea, this makes me happy... I have nothing else to talk about now, cuz I'm not actually aimless at the moment so.....


Disappointed and Aimless

So yeah... me and my friend were going to play some ranked league of legends games around this time, but it seems that the server is down, so it seems that we can't do that. PERFECT TIME TO TALK ABOUT FEELING AIMLESS! YEAH!!! So now I'm bored, aimless, disappointed, delirious and I am left wanting... (amusement). I have no idea if I used that saying right, and I have no intention of changing it. There's no point in changing what I said... THAT WOULD BE LIKE ERASING THE TRUTH!!! ERMAHGERD!!!... So yeah, I updated the layout and header, hope you like it (my extremely small number of followers of which are probably just my friends I know IRL (in real life)). So yeah... RANDOM PICTURE TIME!

Dreemo shoots axes out of his blowgun, which is powered by his beard

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


dangit... spring break is over. this makes me sad. i will cry in a corner now...
nah i'll do that later... nah crying is for noobs... dunno.
so yea, I haven't really been posting over spring break cuz i haven't been feeling that aimless.
now i do feel aimless tho... QQ
some peeps from other colleges are visiting today (cuz they are on spring break now... *cries a little) so we are going around randomly trolling people that we know here at this college.

Maybe I should start typing normally now. Is lazy txt unattractive?
LOL, now mah peeps b talking about alcohol.
I don't really know what to do right now...
Lets see, since I don't know what to do, I'll keep updating this blog...
I played a shitton of Epic Battle Fantasy IV. It's pretty fun. I'm on the final boss now and am only missing 5 medals. MUST GET ALL THE MEDALS/ACHIEVEMENTS!!! ERMERGERD NOOOOO STAHP.... STAHP IT NAO..... DON'T DO IT.... NUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


I know I'm not gonna stop though, I'm already so far into the game, I might as well finish it up.

What should I rant about now?

It seems that my group of peeps have devolved into 3 seperate groups... the people talking about schools, the people sitting elsewhere making small talk, and... me, sitting here blogging... I feel so aimless... I think I should talk to them, but I don't feel like it... dunno what to do... ermergerd... Is it more awkward to stand in the back not doing much? or to type into this blog over here?... meh both are awkward... I should really interact with mah peeps... but im too lazy.... dunno.....

Oh, right... another thingk I can blog about. I made a shitton of naked smoothies over break by following the instructions on the naked site. it seems the secret to their smoothies are having apples as the base, bananas for sweetness, and whatever random combination of other fruits/veggies for flavors.

Oh yeah, my friend's sister has a blog too... visit it.. yeah... doo eet!!! NAO

K i'm done blogging now, cuz I'm out of batteries... cya...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cocktail shrimp

Yo, this is yo author's bro mayne. Here to spread the word about Mormon Jesus mayneeeee
We in the house eating some cocktail shrimp mayneeeeee
Don't THINK this ain't fo real
Ain't no BODY gonna say that this ain't fo REAL sonny boy
But I darntootendely gonna tell you that the GOSPEL is the real true thing
Mormon out

Monday, March 18, 2013

poker time

so yeah, im over here spending spring break playing penny poker with duh broz. yes... penny poker... we feel like we're too poor to bet real money, but we don't wanna bet nothing like noobs. the last hand ended with my mormon friend winning... betting large amounts.... without even looking at his cards... smh.... the power of mormon jesus OP.

my other friend then tried to do that but failed... BECAUSE HIS FAITH WAS NOT STRONG ENOUGH!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

not late enough to sleep.....................

So yeah.... I decided not to sleep.... well actually I'm still in the process of deciding whether or not to go to sleep... I don't know... should I sleep?..... Or should I not?....... ermahgerd..... this is such a hard decision........ I don't feel like moving.... but I don't feel like staying awake..... but I don't feel like sleeping..... iDunno... do you know?.... Cuz iDunno..... v2 from some type of fruit....


The Post-League Feeling

Man, I play a lot of League of Legends, and when I finish, I always feel so absent minded. In other words, I feel really Aimless. It's like, "oh man, I have no idea what to do now... should I play another?" Then one of my rather troll friends will say "ONE MORE GAEM!!!" and of course I'd end up playing another game. This would go on for hours until me and my friends realize how tired we are and say "OH CRAP, IT'S 3AM" and trudge back to our beds to sleep. Sometimes I think League just weighs me down. dadadeeeeeeeeeeem dadaduuuuuuuuuuuuuuum dadadooooooooooooom (-Nautilus (revised)).
dunno wut to do.... i should sleep.... nah sleeping's for noobs....... nah ima sleep....


Aimless, Again

I feel aimless again. For some reason this title reminds me of something. I feel like AA stands for something. OH RIGHT, IT'S ANTI-AIR. Reminds me of Advance Wars. That was a fun game. I loved playing the Artilery Units and Anti Air units for total long range domination. I would always use the money cheat, infinite star power mode, and the money guy, so I could be overpowered and destroy everything. Haha, good times
o man. money op. I wish I were rich T.T

dunno... again...

So... Yeah... I'm feeling aimless again. Lets see, what should I write about today? Oh yea, another product from some type of fruit:

"Featuring the new iKnow, being released.... sometime in the future... yeah..."

So yeah... I found some purpose today in participating in a bake sale for my college's Rotaract Club, but now that it's over, I feel really aimless again. I'm in College by the way... dunno wut to do... ermergerd... YOLO is for noobs...

k im ending this post... dunno wut to say

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

example of previous post

Friend (imitating God): "Because... I wanted you to suffer..."
Friend: "Oh... Ok.... wait... DANGIT HEAVENLY FATHER!"


I still feel aimless, so I'm writing another article. I have a Mormon obsessed friend (he's just joking when he does this stuff, so I apologize in advance if you feel offended, but he doesn't actually mean what he says) next to me studying for math. Whenever he learns something, he pretends to pray and curses "HEAVENLY FATHER, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS!"
He explains to me afterward that Mormons have a very personal relationship with the creator, who they address as father and get into a lot of stupid arguments with him. Because of this, I get constant amusement every 10 minutes or so. I happen to be done with all my finals so I'm just sitting here making sure he doesn't go start a new crusade.... or something stupid like that.


I feel so aimless. I am writing this blog to feel less aimless. Perhaps I should do something with my life, but... I don't feel like it. Nah, doing things with your life is for noobs... (no it's not, but I dont' feel like doing something); and so I am here, sitting in front of my computer typing into this blog. If you are reading this I assume you are aimless as well. I will update this blog whenever I feel aimless, so it will be updated pretty randomly. I dunno, what should I say now? Oh right, I was going to write something that has to do with the title.

"iDunno... Do you know? Cuz iDunno. Featuring the new iDunno from some type of fruit."

For real though, I have no idea what to write. I bet you guys are all looking like this now after reading this and wasting a minute of your life: